Galapagos Islands
Day 1 – Balta Island, Darwin StationEarly flight from Quito, connection to the boat. Afternoon visit to Darwin Research Station. Home of ‘Lomesome George’, last remaining Pinta Turtle and Land Iguanas bred in captivity.
Day 2 – Isla Floreana, Isla Champion
Flamingos, lava lizards, the Darwin Finch and our first Blue Footed Boobies (definitely a favourite!). An amazing snorkel with Sea Lions, Sting Rays, Giant Turtles and huge fish. Fantastic day all in awe.
Day 3 – Isla Espanola, Gardener Bay
Favourite island by far! Lots of Marine Iguanas, Sea Lion cubs, nesting Blue Footed Boobies with chicks and Albatross soaring off the cliffs. Then visited a white sand beach with up to 300 Sea Lions. Some lazy, some curious, some territorial, one dead! Another snorkel. A large pod of Dolphins swimming in our wake.
Day 4 – Isla San Christobal, Lobos Island
Snorkelled with young Sea Lions, all very playful and amazing to swim with. They do barrel rolls, dives, upside down swimming and blow bubbles to mimic the snorkels!
Day 5 – Isla Seymour
Early morning walk with an abundance of birds at dawn amazing to see. Wild Land Iguanas and Frigate birds with red chests inflated to attract females!
Day 6 – Isla Bartholome, Sullivan Bay
Great walk to a viewpoint, on now lava islands. Snorkelled with large White Tipped Reef Shark and many oversized starfish and tropical fish.
Day 7 - Sombrero Chino, Cerro Dragon, Isla Santa Cruz
Baby Sea Lions feeding, snorkelling with more sharks, very menacing one surprised Simon when it turned around and started swimming towards him! Also saw a whale and Hammerhead Shark from boat.
Day 8 – Santa Cruz Highlands
Last Day, saw Land Tortoise in the wild, and giant lava tube.